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Sep 27, 2019

Enjoy an old-school show with Wresby and CW talking tacos and answering listener questions to the best of their limited ability. The ending is a 20-minute section of a bizarro Old Testament Christian rock opera from the early you know what to expect.

Sep 19, 2019

Our good friend Hutch joins us to talk about Jordan Peterson and his  controversial intersection with Christianity and our culture...and what it could mean. Be sure to check out Hutch's YouTube channel for more great content.

Sep 16, 2019

Ride along with CW on the way to work as he talks about images, the second commandment, and the use of images in Reformed churches and publications. The article in question is not available online. (But CW's article now is: 

Sep 10, 2019

Dr R. Scott Clark and former Roman Catholic seminarian Sean join us to talk about the doctrine of concupiscence and its implications for the SSA/"gay Christian" debates. Our jumping-off point was this piece by Dr. Clark which was a reaction to this

Sep 7, 2019

We use a talk from Dr. Scott Aniol from the 2018 Reformation Worship Conference to preview this year's conference coming up on October 17, 2019. Scott compares contemporary worship with pre-Reformation Medieval worship and says the remedy for one is the remedy for the other. He is Associate Professor and chair of PhD...