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Mar 31, 2022

URC minister Chris Gordon joins us to discuss his article "The Domino Theory and Egalitarian Pulpits." We also briefly discussed CW's article on instances of females seeming to preach in PCA churches.

Mar 25, 2022

Out windows, under buses...a diverse all-star Tour de NAPARC cast discusses current events in the PCA and beyond and...Mean Girls? A Cantina classic!

Mar 21, 2022

Oh nothin', just 22 amazing tunes from the alternately dark, sincere, entertaining, confused, and confusing musical underbelly of 20th-century American Christianity with context and commentary only Presbycast can (or would) provide.

Mar 18, 2022

Pastor Chris Drews helps us work through the truths and implications of the great eighth chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Of Christ the Mediator.  Watch here:

Mar 11, 2022

American Family Association researcher and author M.D. Perkins shares some of his findings about the Side B movement (and a notable book) along with PCA minister Stephen Spinnenweber who has also written on the subject. 

M.D.'s e-book: