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Jun 30, 2023

Two OPC pastors and a PCA ruling elder and teaching elder join us to talk about the differences and similarities between two denominations "divided by a common confession." Jim Cassidy, Chris Drew, Joshua Torrey, and Ryan Biese were our guests. Most of us attended (or watched) at least one general assembly in the...

Jun 17, 2023

Here's an extended version (recorded the day after the assembly concluded) of Dr. O. Palmer Robertson's message to the PCA on the occasion of her 50th anniversary. Dr. Robertson had delivered a briefer version at an assembly-wide seminar on June 13, 2023. Thanks to our own Zoe Miller for recording these remarks and to...

Jun 16, 2023

We wrap up the historic Anniversary PCA General Assembly with esteemed ruling elder Mel Duncan AND the Presbygirls AND their pastor husbands! What a show!


Jun 15, 2023

Ruling elders Matt Fender and Charlie Nave, and teaching elder Zack Groff join us to review the high points of day two of the PCA General Assembly. And brace yourself for a special live musical performance of a PCA-related instant classic.


Jun 14, 2023

A great panel of a two ruling elders and one pastor (all members of the PCA General Assembly Overtures Committee) join us to rundown the first day of the 2023 assembly. 
