Apr 24, 2019
Twitter fixture Lex Lutheran joins us for a meeting of the paedobaptist confessional minds. Our discussion is wide-ranging and includes homeless podcaster and bonafide OPC oddball Ben Woodring as well.
Apr 19, 2019
We are joined by @TheJeditor, a man with inside knowledge of Big Eva and her mysterious ways. We talk megachurch, worship, and the challenges facing evangelical churches. "BONUS" -- intro and outro (9 minutes!) are from another 60's Xian cringe musical.
Apr 17, 2019
We discuss the fire at Notre Dame in Paris and the church's relationship to her buildings in this special PRESBYCAST SPECIAL REPORT.
Apr 5, 2019
Our friends Amish Ambush and D-bag Worship Guy join us to examine the epic, unbelievable 1969 Southern Baptist musical "Happening Now!" by Bob Oldenburg. There's no describing this -- you just have to jump in and hang on.