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Aug 18, 2020

A bright young seminarian and a PCA pastor to join us to talk about the challenge and blessing of staying "moderate" in the era of 'Rona and, well, you know...2020 politics, politicians, and movements.

Aug 16, 2020

A reading of the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapters 3 through 5.  

The WCF reading will be published as one file when complete. This is the second installment.

Aug 14, 2020

Charlie Nave of MORE in the PCA and Bruce Kirby of the Firm Foundation Partnership join us to talk about their organizations' efforts to reform the PCA through ruling elder participation in the courts and church member involvement. 


Aug 10, 2020

Wresby, CW, Amish, and Ken Shepherd all under the same porch roof, talking about the stuff you're talking about, eating the food you'd eat.

Aug 5, 2020

Physics professor and Reformed church member David Shane joins us to talk about the moral dimensions of mask wearing and other COVID restrictions where data, ethical, scriptural, scientific and confessional convictions and conclusions collide.