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Sep 24, 2021

Pastor Chris Drew joins us for a doctrinal and pastoral discussion of the challenging and encouraging fifth chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Of Providence.

Sep 16, 2021

Two PCA ruling elders and Dr. Dominic Aquila join us to examine conflicting advice about the SSA-related overtures now before the presbyteries of the PCA. We begin by breaking down a recent conversation from a new video series by Dr. Aquila and pastor Fred Greco about PCA polity, then we move to conflicting advice from...

Sep 11, 2021

PCA pastors Dr. Dominic Aquila and Fred Greco talk about the importance of overtures 23 and 37 (concerning officer examination and qualifications, triggered by the Revoice/SSA controversy) as they begin to come before presbyteries for approval. You may view the video here:

Sep 9, 2021

PCA pastor Geoff Gleason walks us through his five-part blog series on issues of race in the PCA and offers a diagnostic framework for evaluating claims and strategies. Here's the series (beginning at the first installment):

Sep 1, 2021

ARP pastor Ben Glaser and missionary kid Zoe help us ask why presbyterianism is weird and why/if we ought to keep it that way. The jumping off point was Ben's article on mental images: